Week 3 – Documentation and Video Training

We had our first real Sprint Demo, it was exciting to see the app live.
We have a weekly sprint demo session with the team and today, it was our first real demo. I spent a lot of time getting our continuous build/deploy working properly, and it’s so cool to see it just work.
I also spent a lot of time this week on recording training and documentation videos. I have yet to see a company that does this right or spends enough resources on maintaining good documentation. Which is why on-boarding new team members take weeks if not months.
Often, when we discuss documentation, we think of text based, 100 page word document, but folks, that never worked and never will.
I believe Video is the way to go, and make it in training format with as screenshare of the application or specific feature.
Hence, this is exactly how I’m going to move forward with the app. Not only recording our weekly demos, but also, recording and maintaining the proper training videos for all features of the app.
And when we have a new team member, their first task will be to go through and watch all the videos. (p.s – we might have another junior dev role in my team)
So here is my question, how do you maintain your documentation?