Linux "renice" Command Line Options and Examples
alter priority of running processes

renice alters the scheduling priority of one or more running processes. The first argument is the priority value to be used. The other arguments are interpreted as process IDs (by default), process group IDs, user IDs, or user names.


renice [-n] priority [-g|-p|-u] identifier...

Command Line Options:

Specify the scheduling priority to be used for the process, process group, or user. Use of the option
renice -n ...
Interpret the succeeding arguments as process group IDs.
renice -g ...
Interpret the succeeding arguments as process IDs (the default).
renice -p ...
Interpret the succeeding arguments as usernames or UIDs.
renice -u ...
Display version information and exit.
renice -V ...
Display help text and exit.EXAMPLESThe following command would change the priority of the processes with PIDs 987 and 32, plus all processesowned by the users daemon and root:renice +1 987 -u daemon root -p 32NOTESUsers other than the superuser may only alter the priority of processes they own. Furthermore, an unprivi‐leged user can only increase the ``nice value'' (i.e., choose a lower priority) and such changes are irre‐versible unless (since Linux 2.6.12) the user has a suitable ``nice'' resource limit (see ulimit(1) and getr‐limit(2)).The superuser may alter the priority of any process and set the priority to any value in the range -20 to 19.Useful priorities are: 19 (the affected processes will run only when nothing else in the system wants to), 0(the ``base'' scheduling priority), anything negative (to make things go very fast).FILES/etc/passwdto map user names to user IDs
renice -h ...